Wednesday, 22 August 2012

PR Firm CEO Ronn Torossian Book Excerpt

Ronn Torossian Book Excerpt From: “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”

The Rules of Engagement

Working with reporters is not unlike dating: sometimes you have a great date and sometimes you have a disappointing one. There are a few mating rules to keep in mind when dealing with the media, and the first and most important is to be a giver, not a taker. Think about stories in terms of her needs not yours – she wants news. Instead of talking about how great your company or brand is talk about what you and the others in your industry are doing, and trends you are spotting across these brands. That’s news. Plus:

Pitch to the right person. Tailor the pitch to the reporter. Reporters are notoriously thin-skinned and it irritates them to get a pitch that has nothing to do with their beat.

Pitch to the side. Reporters are competitive – they want good stories. Business reporters may be interested in a science story, sports reporters will be interested in an entertainment story, and entertainment reporters could be interested in a tech story, if you angle or position the story properly.

Pitch to underlings. There is value in building relationships with junior-level reporters and producers. They’re also a hell of a lot more accessible than senior people. Give them tips – they’re competing with the old lions in the newsroom so if they can get a great story, they will be more likely to help you out with less exciting ones. Naturally, as they get promoted, they will remember you.

Pitch during holidays and weekends. My PR firm is open the week between Christmas and New Year’s, when nearly every other PR agency is closed. When I get asked about it the answer is always the same: does CNN air that week? Does the Wall Street Journal publish? As long as those answers are yes, we’re open for business and I’m happy my competitors aren’t. On a normal day, we’re competing against every other PR person for time on the phone, on air or in print. Holidays give you a chance to slip through a story that wouldn’t get coverage during “normal business hours.”

The book may be purchased at:

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Friday, 3 August 2012

5WPR Named 24th Largest Independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers

NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- 5W Public Relations has been named the 24th largest independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers, a leading public relations publication. 5WPR, in the 9th full year of operations completed 2011 with $12,455,065 in revenue, representing 9% growth over 2010.
"We are very proud to be one of the 25 largest independent PR firms in America, and credit is due to our amazing staff and great clients. We saw growth in consumer goods, beauty PR, corporate communications, crisis PR and many of our other practice areas. Our results oriented focus, hard-work and creativity allow us to continue to succeed," said Ronn Torossian, Founder and CEO of 5WPR.  "2012 marks only our 10th year of existence – and we expect it to be a banner year of unprecedented growth as an agency. We are very excited about the future."
To qualify for O'Dwyers rankings, PR firms were required to provide income tax and W-3 forms.
5W Public Relations ( is a full-service public relations firm known for implementing cutting-edge, customized media programs designed to impact our clients' specific business goals and objectives.  One of the 25 largest independent PR firms in the U.S., the agency maintains practice areas in consumer, technology, health and wellness, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and corporate communications.  Our growth and recognition stem from a focused, smart, and creative staff that expertly communicates client messages to impact ROI. 5WPR is energetic, fast-paced, and focused.
Contact: Ronn Torossian, 212-999-5585
SOURCE 5W Public Relations