Thursday, 15 November 2012

PR firms in NYC-things to keep in mind before hiring one

Having good public relations is the backbone of an efficient business strategy. When you are living in a city as competitive as New York, hiring PR companies for you is the key to ensure that you stand out in the crowd.
Let us have a look at what things you need to keep in your mind when it comes to hiring the services of any of the NYC PR firms:

1. Size of the PR firm: The first thing that you must consider while choosing a PR firm is its size. The answer to this might need you to address a couple of questions. First questionis how much money you can spend. The second one is how far you want the outreach of your public relations to be. Once you sort the answers to these questions, you can further proceed with the decision. If you can afford, then hiring a large firm is the best option. Not only do they bring years of experience along with them, but also at the same time, they will be able to present your business on a global platform that can prove tobe beneficial.

2. The Portfolio of the Firm: Do not run after the tacky promotional strategies that these PR companies employ. There are a number of people who make their decision looking at the attractive promotional content and flashy graphics that is supplemented on the website of these firms without having any information about the work they do, for instance writing samples, case studies or media placements to name some.These firms are all flash and no show and are not going to be of any use for you.

3. Assess their values: This might sound a little stereotypical but it always better to know whether the thin king of your PR firm and you is harmonious before you hire them. The PR firm is going to work as a brand ambassador for your business, so it must reflect your vision and values that you put in your work. A common trick of the trade in this case is to ask them as to how they look at your work, and what would be the response of the potential customers about your products. Based on the reply you can easily make out whether the thinking levels of you two match or not.

If you keep these basics in your mind, you will surely be able to get a PR firm that is perfect for your business.

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