Monday, 18 June 2012

Public Relations and Social Media Today

Public relations is one of the main industries that is being affected by the massive changes of social media. One of the main reasons for this affect is social media is done by the public and is public information. The essence of public relations such as media relations, opinion leaders and crisis management has caused an exaggerated stress by social media.

Social media is a modern day communication process and it will impact a company’s reputation in a positive or negative way – crisis pr. Even though social media is not a main source of information but it makes a story more relevant through Facebook’s newsfeed and Twitter’s hashtag. Experts in the public relations sector might have to start rethinking the way they approach specific problems with social media being such a popular way to find news.

Professional communicators and PR Firm have a new task with making statements is to also understand how include sentiment in to their speech. They have to realize that they are no longer reporting to the media but also the public, the public play a huge part in reputation management. People are allowed to voice their opinion via the Internet through blogs, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. The PR industry will have to start adapting to this new change. Workers in the PR world need to have a better understanding of community management and learning how to create a more effective workplace. They also need to know how to deal with customer service, digital advertising and learning how to respond and adapt to any kind of outcome that relates to individuals, the organization and the public. One of the important fixtures during this rise of social media is for companies to be more transparent with employees and the public.

For more information on social media in the public relations field be sure to check out pr expert Ronn Torossian’s blog.

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