Sunday, 30 December 2012

Business can grow efficiently with help of a Public Relations Company, let’s see how?

First step needed for a successful new venture is to make a good business plan, and often, in that case owner thinks of doing business advertising. But other than advertising, are you aware of the term PR?

It can benefit you in different ways depending on your needs to make your brand popular. It refers to an individual, organization, company, and their relationship with the public.

So, whether you own a small business or a million dollar firm, without the support of a good PR firm, your business growth is always going to be temporary. Thus, while starting a new venture make sure to hire a good PR company that would reach out large audience and ultimately bring popularity to your business.

Further read on the article that would put your glance towards PR benefits:
PR Company works systematically according to the business plan, which ultimately helps to reach mass audiences and thereby strengthens the image of the business.
Consumer sees third party doing the coverage of the product or service, and perceives it much differently than traditional advertisement. And therefore, when a third party such as media endorses product or service, the company gains credibility.
PR helps to give general awareness of the product, service, and brand. Thus visibility tends to make your business appear larger and more established.

A Public relations company helps to provide an advantage over the competitors who are not using PR effectively.

Modern day firms utilize the internet as a best tool for building the rapport of a business. An article or new release distributed to web outlets helps to provide valuable inbound links to the website that ultimately increase rank in Google. Thus, it helps to capitalize on the search engine processing as well.

Some of the resources by which PR companies carry their work are:

FAQ: It covers some of the elementary questions, such as what is news release and how to issue the release?

Writing tips: the company follows perfect writing style, which are required for the news publishing.

Testimonials: A testimonial consists of a person's written or spoken statement praise the virtue of some product. This is one of the best ways to grow the business and generate visibility.

News release templates: New templates created for the business are used and step by step process is carried to construct the news release.

Demos and webinars: The PR Company organizes for demonstrations and webinars, which help to make the audience understand the services of your business and thus generate credibility for your organization.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

PR Companies hold The Power of Communication!

Communication is one of the most powerful tools required in modern times. Whether one has a small business or big all need to build their company's reputation amongst their audience or clients. For this a business owner needs to follow some effective business techniques, among all these methods the most essential one is PR relations.

Now if you are wondering why only PR? Then you must read on article further which would help you glance towards their working and their importance from business point of view. Moreover, gone those days when companies used traditional ways for promotions.

Public relations management is the best method to create a positive image of a business amongst the targeted audience. The purpose of it is huge and important, as public relations seek to make trust and confidence with the target audiences.
Example: If a company has opened new premises, or has launched a new product, then New York PR Companies would prove beneficial for your business.

First step for a PR company would be to create effective communication between an organization and its target audience. After doing so, their essential role would be to enhance the image of the company and working on brand popularity. This would give a positive image to the target audience about the company, product, etc.
For this process, a PR company involves third party (news organizations, print journalists, television and radio show etc.) to deliver the intended message to the target audience or general masses.

Given below are some specialization on which a PR organization works:
• Media Relations-task taken up by Media Relations Agency
• Reputation Management
• Community Action
• Press Releases
• Newsletter and brochure writing
• Crisis management promotions
• Partnerships
• Sponsorship
• Events
• Media Training

Thus, overall, PR can extremely be useful for any type, size, or background of businesses. Besides reaching to the mass audiences and targeted people, there are other benefits.
 The PR relations also:

•Stimulate awareness and enthusiasm of company products and services
•Create more credibility
•Strengthen the image of the company
•Provides advantage over competitors who don't use "PR "
•Reveals the picture of the company as active and innovative
•Moreover they are not very expensive and the budget of a PR campaign can fit in everyone's pocket
•Defuses a crisis, if it occurs and minimize the potential damage

All the above mentioned factors make it useful to have a PR company by your side to earn a good reputation for your business on local as well as global level.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Public relations myth busting - 4 facts about PR firms you need to know

Public relations involve the communication between an individual or an organization and public. A good PR company helps its client to stand out from the competition, attain a positive media attention, and capitalize on customer goodwill.

Not only this, New York PR companies make their clients understand what they actually need to hear from their consumers instead of what have they wanted to hear in order reach their target audience.

Following are some misconceptions made by the people regarding public relation firms that need busting:

1. Anyone can do it:
Many people think that public relations are a game that anyone can play and win. Some people think that ex-journalists are the best people to handle public relation in a better way. PR generally relies on two essential skills:
communication and selling. Still, if you think anyone can perform the task, assess that person in these two skills that will let you know how successful they will be in reaching client's objectives.

Although, journalists are very talented people at communication skills but they are insufficient in selling skills.

2. Advertising agencies can also perform public relations:
Many advertising agencies have tried to enter the PR world, but only few of them have been able to get success in this quest.

Remember one thing that building relation with public is entirely different from the usual task of advertising. Advertising is a paid support, which means requesting a company buy space and have full control over messages conveyed to public. On the other side, media relations agency is persuasive and work through intermediaries such as television media who reviews your competition and hence, spreads your message in target audience.

3. You need have good contacts :
This myth is just a longest running joke ever. To be true, professional relationships and personal contacts are no more or less important in PR, which is important in other professions.

In case of media relations, relationships are dynamic. The most important thing for successful PR is the ability to examine media coverage & to find out which publication is covering the client's industry, technology and topic.

4. Public relations must be newsworthy:
The purpose of most media relations is to increase the public understanding about your company and its services instead of keeping them in regular news. This is because of always being in the news for wrong reasons can prove to be worst on your reputation in the public.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

New York PR Companies – Why You Need To Hire One?

If you are running a business then you must be aware of the fact that even slight miscommunication amongst the customers (or targeted audience) can earn a bad name for the company/brand. This article is going to focus on how a PR company can be beneficial for your business.

To begin with, let us talk about the basics as to what Public Relations or PR means. Well, as the name suggests, public relations means the relationship of an organization, an individual or a firm with not only its customers but also public. It is a vague term that is used for different needs. For instance, while the business owners take the help of PR companies to sustain their reputation in the market, NGO’s can utilize them to raise funds or increase their patronage. On the other hand, government organizations might use them to influence public opinion and get people’s support. Not only that, a PR company can restore a stained business reputation in the market with the help of effective communication strategies.

Although people generally tend to associate PR firms with the celebrities from television and films, but the fact is that public relations are meant for every person or institution who wants to sustain a spotless name in amongst people. Yes, it is true that movie stars and celebrities are the ones that have used the art of public relations to maximum effect, but the field is not limited to their benefit only. Major business owners in the world have made use of effective communication with the help of these PR companies to enhance their reputation.

If we talk about the field of public relations, then New York PR companies stand out amongst all others. They are regarded as the best in the world and are known to utilize innovative strategies to popularize your business not only on national, but also at a global platform. Hiring the services of NYC PR firms is like killing two birds with one stone. They can act as a source of business promotion at the same time help in creating an untainted repute for your company.

The kind of exposure that these PR firms get for your business could cost you a fortune if you were using other means of business promotion. Therefore, if you are thinking of effective ways to promote your business after reading this article you must know whom to approach. Don’t you?

Friday, 23 November 2012

New York PR Companies, how can they work for building your brand?

Public relation is the key for brand building. As someone who is going to enter the competitive business market of New York the need of PR companies is even greater.

Technically speaking, public relations are the art of ascertaining a relationship between the business and its target audience. Hiring a proficient PR firm which can handle various aspects of public relations and brand building is a good idea. PR is not only the need of business but in present maintain good public relations has become the need of the hour for every public figure whether it is a celebrity, politician, or a philanthropist.

Let us first have a look as to what these PR companies can do:

1. The first thing to achieve a hoard of reliable and long lasting clientele is to be able to convey the rightful information about your product. This will not make your product visible in the market, but at the same time let people know about the benefits and what makes your product unique as compared to the others in the market.

2. As a public figure, it becomes necessary to portrait yourself in a respectable manner in front of public. The fact that people generally tend to follow the popular personalities makes it even more important for these celebrities to present themselves in a reverent manner.

3. PR firms have also been a hit amongst various non-government organizations and social networking bodies by helping them increase the patronage for their organizations.

Working as an effective channel that narrows the communication gap between the organization/ celebrity and its followers, a PR company can do wonders in increasing the popularity of that organization/ celebrity.

The job of a PR firm is to formulate press releases and other methods with which they can target the desired public to plug the latest news about the client and boost their reputation. There are many public relation firms holding expertise in specific areas that can bring excellent results for the clients who hire them.

NYC PR firms are known to be experts in public relation management. By employing various strategic measures like opinion polling to evaluate the attitude of public along with using communication channels like internet, satellite feed, broadcast faxes to name a few to distribute information on behalf of their clients, they can boost up client reputation. Working hand in hand with their clients, these PR firms are necessary to hire if somebody is looking to build his brand value.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

PR firms in NYC-things to keep in mind before hiring one

Having good public relations is the backbone of an efficient business strategy. When you are living in a city as competitive as New York, hiring PR companies for you is the key to ensure that you stand out in the crowd.
Let us have a look at what things you need to keep in your mind when it comes to hiring the services of any of the NYC PR firms:

1. Size of the PR firm: The first thing that you must consider while choosing a PR firm is its size. The answer to this might need you to address a couple of questions. First questionis how much money you can spend. The second one is how far you want the outreach of your public relations to be. Once you sort the answers to these questions, you can further proceed with the decision. If you can afford, then hiring a large firm is the best option. Not only do they bring years of experience along with them, but also at the same time, they will be able to present your business on a global platform that can prove tobe beneficial.

2. The Portfolio of the Firm: Do not run after the tacky promotional strategies that these PR companies employ. There are a number of people who make their decision looking at the attractive promotional content and flashy graphics that is supplemented on the website of these firms without having any information about the work they do, for instance writing samples, case studies or media placements to name some.These firms are all flash and no show and are not going to be of any use for you.

3. Assess their values: This might sound a little stereotypical but it always better to know whether the thin king of your PR firm and you is harmonious before you hire them. The PR firm is going to work as a brand ambassador for your business, so it must reflect your vision and values that you put in your work. A common trick of the trade in this case is to ask them as to how they look at your work, and what would be the response of the potential customers about your products. Based on the reply you can easily make out whether the thinking levels of you two match or not.

If you keep these basics in your mind, you will surely be able to get a PR firm that is perfect for your business.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Why And How To Choose A Good PR Company?

Public relations are one of the most important aspects for the development of any company these days. There is dire need for businesspersons to understand that PR agents are not simply meant for celebrities and high profile sports persons, but also for firms offering different types of products and services.
The aim of the PR consultant is to build a good image of your company in front of your potential clients. This way you can gain much more business and goodwill in their minds and establish yourself as a good brand.

The PR firm will work towards removing from the minds of people your negative image and putting across a fresh leaf. This way the potential clients shall develop interest and trust in the brand, and it can help you do good business in the time to come. The PR firm is the guardian and shield that protects the client from any sort of negative publicity, and reveals to the media only what is right and comes directly from the internal sources of the client. It has to project, manage, and clean the image of a client to make it more successful in their line of operation.

PR firms usually work for firms like lifestyle brands, home and living, medicines, public affairs, corporate, and so on. The PR firms are the master planners behind every public move of a company. Choosing a good PR firms for your company is important because they play a vital role in the success or failure of your image in the market. This brand image is something that can take you places in the business world and you need to be careful about it.

While choosing a Public relation agency one needs to be sure about the fact that the company has enough prior experience. This is because you would not want to submit your cares to the hands of a new and untrained PR agent.
One needs to make sure about the certifications of the PR firm, which is approached, for work. This is to make sure that they are genuine and will not run away with vital information about you or your company and make money out of it.

One can consider many options and then finally decide onto the firm that best suits their choices and needs. It is not at all difficult to find good PR companies these days, due to the sort of modern techniques of promotions and reputation management in the industry.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Choose The Right NY PR Agency For Desired Results

In business, the public image is actually what is sold. Whether it is the case of a celebrity or a big clothing or perfume brand, or a politician, or a sports-person, brand building and management is important for them all. This is because people associate themselves with this entire experience, rather than focusing on the day-to-day activities of that person or organization. For this purpose, one needs to trust on a good PR manager. Be it an individual, or a PR firm, the focus lies upon making the right image of the client in front of the general people, which will ultimately make or break the fate of that star. New York is the city of so many dreams, hopes, and aspirations that can all come true with resourceful PR management
Choosing a good PR firm will affect the productivity of the brand, in the time to come, and determine what image people bear in their minds. This means one has to be careful in making this choice. First, one needs to choose such an NY PR agency that has ample experience in handling high profile clients and cases, so that only the most calculated and genuine information is released by them to the press and the media, which will help in projection of the right image of its client.
The brand building and management is a strategic group of activities, which are done in order to make a clean and shiny image for the client in the public eye. This cuts any sort of speculations or rumors and assumptions regarding the client, making it easier for him/her to have the desired results in their various walks of career.
Another important aspect of choosing an ideal PR firm is to make sure they come in at affordable rates. No matter how big a superstar you are, it is foolish to be wasting money. This is why it is important that you choose such a PR firm for your company or personal brand development, which comes in at handy prices. This would mean value for money and you would not have to spill excess cash for no reason.
There are many PR firms to choose from these days, this makes one spoilt for choice, and people even end up making the wrong decisions at times. This is why, careful consideration and putting your money in the right direction are very important so that people don’t trick you into luring money and then don’t provide the desired results. It would be great to choose such a firm that has the perfect blend of time tested techniques for PR management as well as a mix of novel ways for best results.
For the best results, you need to narrow your NY PR agency search to find out the best-suited options for your varied needs. This can easily be done by using the internet for finding various options as well as looking up directories or asking friends or colleagues for the best options.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

5WPR- Offering The Best Customized Public Relation Services Since 2003!

Impact of good public relationship on business, results with efficient growth! Customer relationship is important to maintain a level of services and brand value (which could only be done keeping in mind the taste of targeted audience and market trends).

5WPR is such a company that provides innovative and customized public relation services to maintain/enhance reputation of businesses.

Introducing a new business or product requires lot of efforts, first is to analyze the target audience and another is to present your business (products/services) in front of your customers in the most professional and authentic way. 5WPR, as a PR agency helps you to do that and to generate measurable results in marketing with techniques based on intense market study.

Efficient communication with your targeted audience/customers can make a positive impact on your business (if done efficiently). 5WPR (that is run by a panel of experts, being lead by the founder/CEO of the company, Mr. Ronn Torossian) helps you to establish such corporate communication channels between your business and the targeted audience.

5WPR listens to their client's needs and accordingly suggest you ways to excel in your field and beat your competitors, and gradually develop your business as a brand.

This company has earned the title of one of the fastest growing PR agency with its energetic, fast-paced and focused performance, and is also ranked as one of the top 25 PR companies of America.

Monday, 10 September 2012

To Avoid Losses in the Business, Grab the Hands of a PR Agency

Are you an entrepreneur and looking to hire a PR agency? What could be the reasons behind this when you already have in-house teams or people to handle the company’s public relations requirements? Is that your team not working properly or your business does not have any PR existence in place.

Whatever be the reasons, hiring the useful services of a public relations firm, to handle the existing brand image among its consumers as well as in the market and to effectively promote the business and its products with the right kind of public relations strategies, is supposed to be the wisest decision an entrepreneur can make.

In absence of the fruitful planning and strategies of public relations, a business or an enterprise could suffer losses pertaining to market reputation, profits, production, etc. Therefore, businesses have understood well enough the need and the importance of a PR Agency that can bring positive results and unlimited growth potential. To sustain their presence in the competitive market and to open the doors of success, business entities across the world holds the hands of a public relations firm and utilize their profitable services that avoids the possibilities of losses in their business.

Before a company do so, it is recommended to -

Select the right agency: Very often, the companies make a very common mistake i.e. they are easily taken by the attractive presentations and sales talks of the executives of PR firms. Do a thorough research on the reputation and reliability of an agency that you would like to approach for your public relations campaigns. A professionally renowned PR agency will always strive to deliver their services as per the needs and suitability of client’s requirements.

Know what the needs are: Do a brain storming session and make a list of particular tasks you want to be assigned and handled by the PR firm. Ask questions, clear the doubts, seek suggestions and discuss possibilities with the PR firm for all that your business needs. Definitely, they could then think about designing a plan and put their expertise into efforts to bring desired results.

Practice patience: PR agencies are there to help your business or the brand to become popular and known by millions of people. The public relations campaigns and strategies planned by those professionals would certainly yield results but not in a quick or short span of time. Take their efforts as if they are educating people for your products and services or spreading awareness about the same.

If you still have any questions related to the usefulness and the advantages of a PR agency, visit and get them answered by the experts.

Monday, 3 September 2012

5WPR Named 24th Largest Independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers

NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- 5W Public Relations has been named the 24th largest independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers, a leading public relations publication. 5WPR, in the 9th full year of operations completed 2011 with $12,455,065 in revenue, representing 9% growth over 2010.
"We are very proud to be one of the 25 largest independent PR firms in America, and credit is due to our amazing staff and great clients. We saw growth in consumer goods, beauty PR, corporate communications, crisis PR and many of our other practice areas. Our results oriented focus, hard-work and creativity allow us to continue to succeed," said Ronn Torossian, Founder and CEO of 5WPR.  "2012 marks only our 10th year of existence – and we expect it to be a banner year of unprecedented growth as an agency. We are very excited about the future."
To qualify for O'Dwyers rankings, PR firms were required to provide income tax and W-3 forms.
5W Public Relations ( is a full-service public relations firm known for implementing cutting-edge, customized media programs designed to impact our clients' specific business goals and objectives.  One of the 25 largest independent PR firms in the U.S., the agency maintains practice areas in consumer, technology, health and wellness, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and corporate communications.  Our growth and recognition stem from a focused, smart, and creative staff that expertly communicates client messages to impact ROI. 5WPR is energetic, fast-paced, and focused. 
Contact: Ronn Torossian, 212-999-5585
SOURCE 5W Public Relations

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

PR Firm CEO Ronn Torossian Book Excerpt

Ronn Torossian Book Excerpt From: “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”

The Rules of Engagement

Working with reporters is not unlike dating: sometimes you have a great date and sometimes you have a disappointing one. There are a few mating rules to keep in mind when dealing with the media, and the first and most important is to be a giver, not a taker. Think about stories in terms of her needs not yours – she wants news. Instead of talking about how great your company or brand is talk about what you and the others in your industry are doing, and trends you are spotting across these brands. That’s news. Plus:

Pitch to the right person. Tailor the pitch to the reporter. Reporters are notoriously thin-skinned and it irritates them to get a pitch that has nothing to do with their beat.

Pitch to the side. Reporters are competitive – they want good stories. Business reporters may be interested in a science story, sports reporters will be interested in an entertainment story, and entertainment reporters could be interested in a tech story, if you angle or position the story properly.

Pitch to underlings. There is value in building relationships with junior-level reporters and producers. They’re also a hell of a lot more accessible than senior people. Give them tips – they’re competing with the old lions in the newsroom so if they can get a great story, they will be more likely to help you out with less exciting ones. Naturally, as they get promoted, they will remember you.

Pitch during holidays and weekends. My PR firm is open the week between Christmas and New Year’s, when nearly every other PR agency is closed. When I get asked about it the answer is always the same: does CNN air that week? Does the Wall Street Journal publish? As long as those answers are yes, we’re open for business and I’m happy my competitors aren’t. On a normal day, we’re competing against every other PR person for time on the phone, on air or in print. Holidays give you a chance to slip through a story that wouldn’t get coverage during “normal business hours.”

The book may be purchased at:

For more infomation aboy PR Firm visit

Friday, 3 August 2012

5WPR Named 24th Largest Independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers

NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- 5W Public Relations has been named the 24th largest independent U.S. PR Agency by O'Dwyers, a leading public relations publication. 5WPR, in the 9th full year of operations completed 2011 with $12,455,065 in revenue, representing 9% growth over 2010.
"We are very proud to be one of the 25 largest independent PR firms in America, and credit is due to our amazing staff and great clients. We saw growth in consumer goods, beauty PR, corporate communications, crisis PR and many of our other practice areas. Our results oriented focus, hard-work and creativity allow us to continue to succeed," said Ronn Torossian, Founder and CEO of 5WPR.  "2012 marks only our 10th year of existence – and we expect it to be a banner year of unprecedented growth as an agency. We are very excited about the future."
To qualify for O'Dwyers rankings, PR firms were required to provide income tax and W-3 forms.
5W Public Relations ( is a full-service public relations firm known for implementing cutting-edge, customized media programs designed to impact our clients' specific business goals and objectives.  One of the 25 largest independent PR firms in the U.S., the agency maintains practice areas in consumer, technology, health and wellness, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and corporate communications.  Our growth and recognition stem from a focused, smart, and creative staff that expertly communicates client messages to impact ROI. 5WPR is energetic, fast-paced, and focused.
Contact: Ronn Torossian, 212-999-5585
SOURCE 5W Public Relations

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Mike Tyson: Crisis Public Relations Success Story

Watching Mike Tyson on The Today Show this morning was an “interesting” experience.   Can anyone believe that Mike Tyson will soon have his one-man show “Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth” on Broadway? Yes, you read it right – Mike Tyson will appear on Broadway.  What a brand turnaround success story.

Talk about a long strange journey – One of the greatest heavyweight fighters ever, the self-proclaimed “baddest man on the planet”, a former juvenile delinquent, convicted rapist, ear-biter, drug addict who has eight children by multiple women; did I leave out that he has a face tattoo?

Despite it all, and given that he is undoubtedly crazy and controversial, there seems to be something likeable about him.  What an image turnaround and great crisis PR success story Mike Tyson is. He’s had hilarious cameos in the blockbuster movie The Hangover, and the sequel, he speaks of veganism, being a better parent and often talks of being a “wimp.”

His 2008 Tyson Documentary starts to tell the story, and the man really seems to be one that has a life worthy of the big screen.  Tyson remains one of the most recognized sports personalities in the world.  One wonders can this man actually score some brand endorsements or are there any brands that will associate with him?

Jumping on the bandwagon was a quick announcement today – “THQ announced that former undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson will be made available on WWE 13 as an exclusive pre-order bonus.”. Let’s see what kind of audience he draws.

Ronn Torossian


Friday, 20 July 2012

5WPR – A perfect Agency for Comprehensive PR Solutions

Public relations are an inevitable part of any successful organization; an effective PR agency works wonders for any company by helping it to achieve its desired goals and objectives. As an esteemed public relations entity, 5WPR has been associated with providing exceptional services to many companies, including fortune 500.
It has been ranked as one of the top 25 PR agencies in the United States today. Its name was inspired by the top 5 questions asked in the PR business; Who, What, Where, When, and Why. From its humble beginnings in 2003 Ronn Torossian made a mark for itself in the world of Public Relations.
5WPR offers its expertise in consumer products, corporate communications, health, beauty, travel, lifestyle, fashion, food, beverages, and crisis communication, non-profit, event marketing and social media. It helps to reach the consumer base of the companies with events designed to capture their imagination. The comprehensive strategies of this PR firm are based on strategic marketing, good media relations, networking and search engine reputation management.
Search engine reputation management strategies are the most compelling internet tools that are used to tackle the negative publicity of the individual client, as well as their companies. At 5WPR, the focused and smart staff helps by placing tactical stories in diverse markets and sectors under a comprehensive approach to enhance an organization’s public relations and driving web traffic towards their digital presence.
Ronn Torossian helps the biggest as well as the smallest organizations with an effective and customized public relations campaign, along with reputation management which is focused on the return of investment and an effective outreach to the consumer base. In this fast developing global era, businesses have realized the need and importance of public relations in order to survive in this competitive world.
Therefore, only a reputed and reliable PR agency like 5WPR, can lead you towards success with their innovative concepts and result-oriented strategies formulated under best public relations campaigns and publicity processes.
To find out more about the roles of a PR agency and the advantages, please visit

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

5W Public Relations Named PR Agency of Record for Excel Corp

New York, New York – June 26, 2012 - 5W Public Relations, one of the 25 largest independent US PR Firms, is proud to announce the return of Excel Corp (OTC Bulletin Board: EXCC) to its roster of corporate clients. 5WPR will execute a comprehensive public relations program tailored to effectively promote Excel Corp to targeted influential media. Key factors will include media relations, speaker engagement, messaging, web strategies and more.

Excel Corp is a publicly traded licensing, merchandising, and distribution company, headed by founder and Chairman, Ruben “Ruby” Azrak. As a branding corporation, it specializes on bringing national and international brands to the retail marketplace with a remarkable record of success.
Azrak, a seasoned branding specialist, has seen Excel through an impressive 30 years of licensing experience, which has led to the establishment of retail programs that have generated sales of over one billion cumulative. Excel Corp has distinguished itself by utilizing licensing opportunities including the representation of brands, trademarks, designers, events, personalities and sports of high standing in the industry.

“5WPR is excited to work with Excel Corp. We look forward to helping to shape the Excel brand and the many initiatives they have planned,” said Ronn Torossian, Founder & CEO of 5WPR.

Ruben “Ruby” Azrak, Founder of Excel Corp said “The decision to work with 5WPR is an easy one.”


5W Public Relations ( is a full-service public relations firm known for implementing cutting-edge, customized media programs designed to impact our clients’ specific business goals and objectives. 5WPR’s energetic, fast-paced, and focused culture earned the firm a spot on the INC. 500 list. One of the 25 largest independent PR firms in the US, the agency maintains practice areas in consumer, technology, health and wellness, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and corporate communications.

Our growth and recognition stem from a focused, smart, and creative staff that expertly communicates client messages to impact ROI. Our committed team has the understanding and ability to harness the newest tools in a rapidly changing media landscape. This 24/7 approach to the media led the industry’s foremost trade magazine to describe 5WPR as “aggressive in a way that clearly resonates with clients looking for a firm staffed with type A-plus personalities, a BS-free approach, and results from Day One.”

Monday, 18 June 2012

Public Relations and Social Media Today

Public relations is one of the main industries that is being affected by the massive changes of social media. One of the main reasons for this affect is social media is done by the public and is public information. The essence of public relations such as media relations, opinion leaders and crisis management has caused an exaggerated stress by social media.

Social media is a modern day communication process and it will impact a company’s reputation in a positive or negative way – crisis pr. Even though social media is not a main source of information but it makes a story more relevant through Facebook’s newsfeed and Twitter’s hashtag. Experts in the public relations sector might have to start rethinking the way they approach specific problems with social media being such a popular way to find news.

Professional communicators and PR Firm have a new task with making statements is to also understand how include sentiment in to their speech. They have to realize that they are no longer reporting to the media but also the public, the public play a huge part in reputation management. People are allowed to voice their opinion via the Internet through blogs, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. The PR industry will have to start adapting to this new change. Workers in the PR world need to have a better understanding of community management and learning how to create a more effective workplace. They also need to know how to deal with customer service, digital advertising and learning how to respond and adapt to any kind of outcome that relates to individuals, the organization and the public. One of the important fixtures during this rise of social media is for companies to be more transparent with employees and the public.

For more information on social media in the public relations field be sure to check out pr expert Ronn Torossian’s blog.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


New York, New York – June 12, 2012 - 5W Public Relations, one of the 25 largest independently owned PR firms in the US, is pleased to announce that Don McIver has joined the firm as Chief Operating Officer. In this new role, McIver will manage the firm and its operations, which currently has over 90 employees.

"I am thrilled to join 5WPR, which in under 10 years has grown into a major, independent bi-coastal PR Agency. The Management Team led by Ronn Torossian has built a tremendous agency and team and I look forward to working hard to help us achieve our ambitious growth objectives. We have a major commitment to invest in people, tools, and resources to take the agency to the next level. In the few months since I have joined the firm we have already made significant investments in employee benefits, training & development, and information technology. And we’re making more investment every day,” stated Don McIver.

“2012 is proving to be a banner year for 5WPR. We have strong practice leaders who are the best in the business. Together, we will forge an exciting future, emphasizing our strategic PR programs, full-service capabilities, and our results-oriented approach,” McIver added.

Prior to 5W, Don was Chief Operating Officer at Beckerman, a NJ PR Agency, and Mciver was previously Chief Operating Officer at MWW Group, a top-10 PR firm.


5W Public Relations ( is a full-service public relations agency known for implementing cutting-edge, customized campaigns designed to drive our clients' business goals and objectives. Founded by Ronn Torossian in 2003, the energetic and focused culture earned the agency a spot on the INC. 500 list and recognition as the nation's "fastest-growing PR agency" three years in a row. Our 24/7 approach led the industry's foremost trade magazine to describe 5WPR as "aggressive in a way that clearly resonates with clients looking for a firm staffed with Type A-plus personalities, a BS-free approach, and results from Day One."

Monday, 28 May 2012

What Makes a Business Prosper; it is the Strategies of a Good PR Agency

“If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on PR” is a famous quote by the richest man on earth Bill Gates, which emphasizes the role of Public Relations. An effective PR strategy can work wonders for any business with the minimal of budget to achieve its desired goals and objectives. Companies and individuals spend a considerable part of their finances to engage an effective PR agency for their business. However, the assessment of the appropriateness of such an agency is generally based on the following points -

Search Engine Reputation Management - A good PR firm should deal with an effective SEO strategy for reputation management. Search engines and organic media play a crucial role in garnering a consumer base for any given organization. The assets and the resources of any organization or individual are optimized with the help of this solution that also helps in the elimination of any negative publicity by competitors.

Strategic Marketing - The vitals of strategic marketing is crucial to be considered for any agency as it focuses on the development of brand loyalty for a given brand and its business success. Strategic market also involves the meaningful engagement of the consumers of any company.

Media Relations - Media play one of the most important tools for effective public relation strategies and most effective campaigns are done by including multiple platforms from the world of media. There can be different mediums such as radio, televisions, magazines and newspapers, which are employed in a successful and effective media planning strategy. Any given PR agency should be adept at effectively targeting specific audiences with its media campaign.

Networking - The networking abilities of a public relations firm plays an important role with an emphasis to know and deal with appropriate people. Implementing and being in charge of good or bad decision is an important skill of the PR firm, as different business sectors have varied demands.

Budget - It is significant to consider ones budget before seeking the services of a public relations company, as firms generally charge based on specified services. Therefore, it is important to allot a specified budget for an effective PR campaign and strategy.

As a cost effective form of marketing, the correct agency can help an organization or an individual in a positive manner. For reputation management, celebrity sponsorship, event organization and integrated marketing services, a leading PR agency can help. Please visit for more details.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


If you haven’t yet bought "For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations", the PR book by Ronn Torossian, the Founder & CEO of 5W Public Relations go today to buy it. It’s the only book written by a leading PR Agency executive.

In the book I discuss the definition of Public Relations & how public relations is needed by any business – “or anyone with a pulse for that matter." There are candid insider stories from top-tier consumer brands such as Whole Foods, Louis Vuitton, Zappos, BP, Toyota, and others. I discuss how to frame ongoing media debates, integrate new and old forms of media, and develop engaging content. We discuss stories from the front-lines of crisis PR, launch strategies, and its insider stories from the front-lines from Ronn Torossian, who Business Insider in 2012 called the “most intense, in-your-face PR man in New York.”

Endorsements come from diverse folks including: Paul Carlucci, publisher, New York Post, The Shark Daymond John (CEO of FUBU, Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), and Doyle Brunson, The Legend of Poker, legendary ten-time World Series of Poker Champion.

O’dwyers, the legendary PR Publication said: “Torossian’s book is for anybody who wants “to get it” when it comes to how PR can advance their personal and professional lives. 5W Public Relations chief Ronn Torossian has written a book about PR that is unlike any other that I’ve read in covering the communications business at O’Dwyer’s. For Immediate Release” is brimming with spunk and attitude. It’s a street fighter’s guide to PR.”

“This Book is my desk reference of PR rules” said PR trade blog Everything PR. The book is available at bookstores nationwide, including Barnes & Noble or online at: or

Monday, 23 April 2012

Two Courts: The Court of Law & The Court Of Public Opinion

--Effective PR Campaign Helped Ensure George Zimmerman Arrest-
There are often two courts involved when it comes to crisis PR : the court of law and the court of public opinion. We all recall Casey Anthony, who may have been found “not guilty” in a court of law but was certainly found guilty in the court of public opinion. Both courts matter immensely. The family of Trevon Martin, and their supporters clearly understood the power of publicity. Undoubtedly public outcry helped ensure the arrest of George Zimmerman.

The media moves very quickly – and the Martin camp understood it – and they helped frame the fatal shooting the way they want it to be viewed. Prosecutor investigations often take a very long time – and patience is required. Some lawyers will tell clients to be patient as court proceedings are, by design, long, complicated, and tedious. By public protests and outcry, and effective PR campaigns, the Martin camp was able to influence prosecutors – and even the subsequent jury pool and judges – who all follow the media and form opinions.

The legal system isn’t built for short-term results – Zimmerman’s next court appearance is six weeks away, on May 29, to “allow the fervor surrounding the case to die down,” as Zimmerman’s lawyer explained. While bloggers, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, 24/7 cable news, search engine results, etc., don’t wait for prosecutors and judges, one wonders how the court of public opinion will affect the actual verdict of innocent or guilty.

One thing is clear, the court of public opinion was critical in today's arrest of Zimmerman. Remember, six weeks ago the local authorities did not see this as anything more than self defense. Now, we all think about it with the spin that we are inclined to believe from whichever party did a better job in influencing us, the viewers and readers.

Media today is relentless, and our actions can always be elevated to a public stage in just minutes if the right Public Relations campaign is put in play.

Ronn Torossian is the CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR firm and author of a PR book “For Immediate Release.”

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Over the weekend I had a chance to reflect upon my Friday. As people often ask what a day looks like in running a PR agency, thought to write about it. Tiring, exhausting and great all at the same time.

Started early with a 530 AM job, bike and light lifting – followed by 8AM midtown breakfast with the premier US NY Russian attorney, Edward Mermelstein.  Ed’s a client and friend we have worked for many years – and always enjoy hearing his take on the world.

Had a 930 AM strategy meeting with a client, followed instantly by a client conference call with my team
Quick internal meeting followed by returning 2 calls – 1 new business call (scheduled a meeting for next week), and returned a call to a Reporter
The afternoon saw a 30 minute break to return emails, catch my breath, and before I turned around it was time for a internal staff meeting with 1 of my teams
Had a new business meeting end of day – and then more returning emails, calls to Mark Birnbaum of EMM Group about an upcoming event for a client, Elie Hirschfeld about a recent media story, and the like.

Its always something different – moving fast and making it happen.

Ronn Torossian

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Front page news in Europe is that Former Metropolitan Police chief Sir Paul Stephenson has joined a crisis PR agency. Stephenson resigned following allegations of his police force being involved with alleged phone taps with The News of the World.  
Might be a first that a police chief joins the public relations world – but I am sure it wont be the last, and his new role will have him counseling crisis clients for a firm whose employees according to their press release does everything from “cyber and information security, IP and brand protection, human rights and anti-corruption compliance, financial crime, health and safety, pandemics, medical and evacuation support, geopolitical and business intelligence, cultural and negotiation specialists, due diligence and investigations and wider security.” All of those are necessary skills to succeed at a crisis PR firm. More on him at:
Stephenson was humble about moving on - when asked about regrets, he said: "That's for fairytales. You do what you think is right, you stand by it and you move on." "I don't know of anybody who's been in a leadership position as long as I was who won't have a record of doing some fantastic things and some things they wish they'd done better. Anyone who claims otherwise is in fantasy land or lying."
Working in crisis public relations, it’s a non-stop fire drill. Remember:
  • Be prepared for a crisis by thinking about all possibilities before they occur.
  • Online reputation management/online crisis PR matters tremendously – Google search results are more important than one negative story
  • Requires instant attention
A police chief will know that in the world of crisis, this isn’t an option:
“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” Henry Kissinger

Friday, 3 February 2012

To Avoid Losses in the Business, Grab the Hands of a PR Agency

Are you an entrepreneur and looking to hire a PR agency? What could be the reasons behind this when you already have in-house teams or people to handle the company’s public relations requirements? Is that your team not working properly or your business does not have any PR existence in place.

Whatever be the reasons, hiring the useful services of a public relations firm, to handle the existing brand image among its consumers as well as in the market and to effectively promote the business and its products with the right kind of public relations strategies, is supposed to be the wisest decision an entrepreneur can make.

In absence of the fruitful planning and strategies of public relations, a business or an enterprise could suffer losses pertaining to market reputation, profits, production, etc. Therefore, businesses have understood well enough the need and the importance of a PR Agency that can bring positive results and unlimited growth potential. To sustain their presence in the competitive market and to open the doors of success, business entities across the world holds the hands of a public relations firm and utilize their profitable services that avoids the possibilities of losses in their business.

Before a company do so, it is recommended to -

Select the right agency: Very often, the companies make a very common mistake i.e. they are easily taken by the attractive presentations and sales talks of the executives of PR firms. Do a thorough research on the reputation and reliability of an agency that you would like to approach for your public relations campaigns. A professionally renowned PR agency will always strive to deliver their services as per the needs and suitability of client’s requirements.

Know what the needs are: Do a brain storming session and make a list of particular tasks you want to be assigned and handled by the PR firm. Ask questions, clear the doubts, seek suggestions and discuss possibilities with the PR firm for all that your business needs. Definitely, they could then think about designing a plan and put their expertise into efforts to bring desired results.

Practice patience: PR agencies are there to help your business or the brand to become popular and known by millions of people. The public relations campaigns and strategies planned by those professionals would certainly yield results but not in a quick or short span of time. Take their efforts as if they are educating people for your products and services or spreading awareness about the same.

If you still have any questions related to the usefulness and the advantages of a PR agency, visit and get them answered by the experts.